Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Dec 16 12:58:09 2019

@author: fabian

from .utils import obj_if_acc
import sparse
import os
from pathlib import Path
import xarray as xr
from progressbar import ProgressBar
import logging
from h5py import File
import numpy as np

multi_index_levels = dict(branch=['component', 'branch_i'],
                          production=['source', 'source_carrier'],
                          demand=['sink', 'sink_carrier'],
                          receiver_transmission_cost=['component', 'branch_i'],

[docs]def sparse_to_h5(coo, file, name): """ Store sparse data in hdf5 format. Fast way to store sparse.COO arrays. Parameters ---------- coo : spare.COO Data array which will be stored. file : str Name of the h5 file in which the data should be stored. name : str Variable name of the data under which is will be stored in the h5 file. Returns ------- None. """ hf = File(file, 'a') hf.create_dataset(name, data=np.vstack([coo.coords,])) hf.close()
[docs]def read_sparse_h5(file, name, shape): """ Load the a sparse data array stored via `sparse_to_h5`. Parameters ---------- file : str Name of the h5 file from where the data should be loaded. name : str Name of the variable stored in the h5 file. Returns ------- sparse.COO Loaded sparse array. """ hf = File(file, 'r') raw = np.array(hf.get(name)) hf.close() coords = raw[:-1] data = raw[-1] return sparse.COO(coords, data, shape=shape)
[docs]def dense_to_h5(array, file, name): """ Store dense data in hdf5 format. Fast way to store arrays, helpful for datasets with stacked multindex. Parameters ---------- coo : spare.COO Data array which will be stored. file : str Name of the h5 file in which the data should be stored. name : str Variable name of the data under which is will be stored in the h5 file. Returns ------- None. """ hf = File(file, 'a') hf.create_dataset(name, data=array) hf.close()
[docs]def read_dense_h5(file, name): """ Load the a dense data array stored via `dense_to_h5`. Parameters ---------- file : str Name of the h5 file from where the data should be loaded. name : str Name of the variable stored in the h5 file. Returns ------- dense.COO Loaded dense array. """ hf = File(file, 'r') array = np.array(hf.get(name)) hf.close() return array
coord_fn = '' sparse_fn = 'sparse_data.h5' dense_fn = 'dense_data.h5'
[docs]def store_dataset(ds, folder): """ Export xarray.Dataset with mixed sparse and dense Dataarrays. This is an extention to the normal exporter functions of xarray. Use this to write out xarray.Datsets with sparse and/or dense arrays and/or stacked multiindex. Those will be stored as h5 files in a new created directory. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset with sparse variables to be written folder : str Name of the directory to where to data is stored. Returns ------- None. """ ds = obj_if_acc(ds) ds = ds.copy() p = Path(folder) p.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for d in [coord_fn, sparse_fn, dense_fn]: if p.joinpath(d).exists(): os.remove(p.joinpath(d)) ds = ds.assign_attrs(**{'_dims_' + v: ds[v].dims for v in ds}) ds = ds.assign_attrs(**{'_shape_' + v: ds[v].shape for v in ds}) progress = ProgressBar()'Storing {len(ds)} variables.') for v in progress(ds): if isinstance(ds[v].data, sparse.COO): sparse_to_h5(ds[v].data, p.joinpath(sparse_fn), v) ds = ds.assign_attrs(**{'_sparse_' + v: 1}) else: dense_to_h5(ds[v].data, p.joinpath(dense_fn), v) ds = ds.assign_attrs(**{'_sparse_' + v: 0}) ds = ds.drop(v) cp = p.joinpath(coord_fn) reset_multi = [k for k in multi_index_levels if k in ds.coords] ds.reset_index(reset_multi).to_netcdf(cp)
[docs]def load_dataset(folder): """ Import xarray.Dataset with sparse Dataarrays. Use this to load an xarray.Dataset stored via the function `store_dataset`. Parameters ---------- folder : str Directory name of the stored data. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset Allocation dataset with sparse data arrays. """ p = Path(folder) ds = xr.load_dataset(p.joinpath(coord_fn)) set_index = {k: v for k, v in multi_index_levels.items() if k in ds.dims} ds = ds.set_index(set_index) vars = [v[6:] for v in ds.attrs.keys() if v.startswith('_dim')] for v in vars: dims = ds.attrs.pop('_dims_' + v) shape = tuple(ds.attrs.pop('_shape_' + v)) if ds.attrs.pop('_sparse_' + v): data = read_sparse_h5(p.joinpath(sparse_fn), v, shape=shape) else: data = read_dense_h5(p.joinpath(dense_fn), v) ds = ds.assign({v: (dims, data)}) return ds