Source code for netallocation.linalg

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar  7 10:17:46 2019

@author: fabian

from .utils import as_sparse
import pandas as pd
from xarray import DataArray
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from functools import reduce
from sparse import COO, as_coo
from scipy.sparse.linalg import inv as sp_inv

[docs]def upper(df): return df.clip(min=0)
[docs]def lower(df): return df.clip(max=0)
[docs]def pinv(df): return DataArray(np.linalg.pinv(df), df.T.coords)
[docs]def inv(df, pre_clean=False): if isinstance(, COO): if pre_clean: data = assert df.ndim <= 2, ('Maximally two dimension supported for ' 'sparse inverse') mask = np.isin(np.arange(data.shape[0]), data.coords[0]) & \ np.isin(np.arange(data.shape[1]), data.coords[1]) subdf = df[mask][:, mask] return DataArray(as_coo(sp_inv(, subdf.T.coords) .reindex(**{df.dims[0]: df.get_index(df.dims[0])}, fill_value=0) .reindex(**{df.dims[1]: df.get_index(df.dims[1])}, fill_value=0) return DataArray(as_coo(sp_inv(, df.T.coords) if pre_clean: zeros_b = df == 0 mask = tuple(df.get_index(d)[~zeros_b.all(d).data] for d in df.dims) subdf = df.loc[mask] return DataArray(np.linalg.inv(subdf), subdf.T.coords, subdf.dims[::-1]) .reindex(df.T.coords, fill_value=0) return DataArray(np.linalg.inv(df), df.T.coords)
[docs]def dedup_axis(da, newdims): """ Helper function for DataArrays which have two dimensions using the same coordinates (duplicate dimensions), like (bus, bus). This sets a new DataArray with new names for the new coordinates. """ oldindex = da.get_index(da.dims[0]) assert not isinstance( oldindex, pd.MultiIndex), ('Multiindex expanding not ' 'supported') return DataArray(, { newdims[0]: oldindex.rename( newdims[0]), newdims[1]: oldindex.rename( newdims[1])}, newdims)
def _dot_single(df, df2): dim0 = df.dims[0] dim1 = df2.dims[-1] assert df.get_index(df.dims[-1]).equals(df2.get_index(df2.dims[0])) res = @ if res.ndim == 1: return DataArray(res, {dim0: df.coords.indexes[dim0]}, dim0) return DataArray(res, {dim0: df.coords.indexes[dim0], dim1: df2.coords.indexes[dim1]}, (dim0, dim1))
[docs]def dot(*das): """ Perform a matrix-multiplication for two or more xarray.DataArrays. This is different to the xarray dot-product which is a tensor-product """ return reduce(_dot_single, das)
[docs]def null(df): if not df.size: return df dim = df.dims[-1] return DataArray( pd.DataFrame( sp.linalg.null_space(df), index=df.get_index(dim)), dims=( dim, 'null_vectors'))
[docs]def norm(ds, dims): dims = [dims] if not isinstance(dims, list) else dims for d in dims: assert d in ds.dims, f'Dimension {d} not in Dataset/DataArray' return ds / ds.sum([d for d in ds.dims if d not in dims])
[docs]def diag(da, newdims=None, sparse=False): """ Convenience function to select diagonal from a square matrix, or to build a diagonal matrix from a 1 dimensional array. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray """ if newdims is not None: oldindex = da.get_index(da.dims[0]) res = DataArray( np.diag(da), { newdims[0]: oldindex.rename( newdims[0]), newdims[1]: oldindex.rename( newdims[1])}, newdims) elif da.ndim == 1: res = DataArray(np.diag(da), dims=da.dims * 2, coords=da.coords) else: res = DataArray(np.diagflat(np.diag(da)), da.coords) return as_sparse(res) if sparse else res
[docs]def eig(M): val, vec = np.linalg.eig(M) val = pd.Series(val).sort_values(ascending=False) vec = pd.DataFrame(vec, index=M.index).reindex(columns=val.index) return val, vec