Source code for netallocation.plot

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Mar  7 16:13:57 2019

@author: fabian

from .plot_helpers import make_legend_circles_for, fuel_colors, \
    make_handler_map_to_scale_circles_as_in, handles_labels_for
from .utils import as_dense, filter_null
from pypsa.plot import projected_area_factor
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pypsa
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex, to_rgba
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

[docs]def chord_diagram(ds, agg='mean', minimum_quantile=0, groups=None, size=200, pallette='Category20', fig_inches=4): """ Build a chord diagram on the base of holoviews [1]. It visualizes allocated peer-to-peer flows for all buses given in the data. As for compatibility with ipython shell the rendering of the image is passed to matplotlib however to the disfavour of interactivity. Note that the plot becomes only meaningful for networks with N > 5, because of sparse flows otherwise. [1] Parameters ---------- allocation : xarray.Dataset Dataset with 'peer_to_peer' variable. lower_bound : int, default is 0 filter small power flows by a lower bound groups : pd.Series, default is None Specify the groups of your buses, which are then used for coloring. The series must contain values for all allocated buses. size : int, default is 300 Set the size of the holoview figure save_path : str, default is '/tmp/chord_diagram_pypsa' set the saving path of your figure """ from holoviews.plotting.mpl import Layout, LayoutPlot import holoviews as hv hv.extension('matplotlib') allocation = filter_null( as_dense( ds.peer_to_peer.mean('snapshot')), 'source') .to_series().dropna() if groups is not None: allocation = allocation.rename(groups).sum(level=['sink', 'source']) allocated_buses = allocation.index.levels[0] \ .append(allocation.index.levels[1]).unique() bus_map = pd.Series(range(len(allocated_buses)), index=allocated_buses) links = allocation.to_frame('value').reset_index() .replace( { 'source': bus_map, 'sink': bus_map}) .sort_values('source').reset_index( drop=True)[ lambda df: df.value >= df.value.quantile(minimum_quantile)] nodes = pd.DataFrame({'bus': bus_map.index}) cindex = 'index' ecindex = 'source' nodes = hv.Dataset(nodes, 'index') diagram = hv.Chord((links, nodes)) diagram = diagram.opts(style={'cmap': pallette, 'edge_cmap': pallette, 'tight': True}, plot={'label_index': 'bus', 'color_index': cindex, 'edge_color_index': ecindex}) # fig = hv.render(diagram, size=size, dpi=300) fig = LayoutPlot(Layout([diagram]), dpi=300, fig_size=size, fig_inches=fig_inches, tight=True, tight_padding=0, fig_bounds=(-.15, -.15, 1.15, 1.15), hspace=0, vspace=0, fontsize=15)\ .initialize_plot() return fig, fig.axes
european_bounds = [-10., 30, 36, 70]
[docs]def component_plot(n, linewidth_factor=5e3, gen_size_factor=5e4, sus_size_factor=1e4, carrier_colors=None, carrier_names=None, figsize=(10, 5), boundaries=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a pypsa.Network generation and storage capacity Parameters ---------- n : pypsa.Network Optimized network linewidth_factor : float, optional Scale factor of line widths. The default is 5e3. gen_size_factor : float, optional Scale factor of generator capacities. The default is 5e4. sus_size_factor : float, optional Scale factor of storage capacities. The default is 1e4. carrier_colors : pd.Series, optional Colors of the carriers. The default is None. carrier_names : pd.Series, optional Nice names of the carriers. The default is None. figsize : tuple, optional figsize of resulting image. The default is (10, 5). boundaries : tuple, optional Geographical bounds of the geomap. The default is [-10. , 30, 36, 70]. Returns ------- fig, ax Figure and axes of the corresponding plot. """ if carrier_colors is None: carrier_colors = n.carriers.color fallback = pd.Series(n.carriers.index.str.title(), n.carriers.index) carrier_names = n.carriers.nice_name.replace( '', np.nan).fillna(fallback) line_colors = {'cur': "purple", 'exp': to_hex(to_rgba("red", 0.5), True)} gen_sizes = n.generators.groupby(['bus', 'carrier']).p_nom_opt.sum() store_sizes = n.storage_units.groupby(['bus', 'carrier']).p_nom_opt.sum() # PLOT try: import as ccrs projection = ccrs.EqualEarth() kwargs.setdefault('geomap', '50m') except ImportError: projection = None logger.warn('Could not import cartopy, drawing map disabled') fig, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figsize, subplot_kw={"projection": projection}) n.plot(bus_sizes=gen_sizes / gen_size_factor, bus_colors=carrier_colors, line_widths=n.lines.s_nom_min.div(linewidth_factor), link_widths=n.links.p_nom_min.div(linewidth_factor), line_colors=line_colors['cur'], link_colors=line_colors['cur'], boundaries=boundaries, title='Generation and \nTransmission Capacities', ax=ax, **kwargs) n.plot( bus_sizes=store_sizes / sus_size_factor, bus_colors=carrier_colors, line_widths=( n.lines.s_nom_opt - n.lines.s_nom_min) / linewidth_factor, link_widths=( n.links.p_nom_opt - n.links.p_nom_min) / linewidth_factor, line_colors=line_colors['exp'], link_colors=line_colors['exp'], boundaries=boundaries, title='Storages Capacities and \nTransmission Expansion', ax=ax2, **kwargs) ax.axis('off') # ax.artists[2].set_title('Carriers') # LEGEND add capcacities reference_caps = [10e3, 5e3, 1e3] for axis, scale in zip((ax, ax2), (gen_size_factor, sus_size_factor)): handles = make_legend_circles_for(reference_caps, scale=scale / projected_area_factor(axis)**2 / 3, facecolor="w", edgecolor='grey', alpha=.5) labels = ["{} GW".format(int(s / 1e3)) for s in reference_caps] handler_map = make_handler_map_to_scale_circles_as_in(axis) l2 = axis.legend(handles, labels, framealpha=0.7, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1), frameon=True, # edgecolor='w', title='Capacity', handler_map=handler_map) axis.add_artist(l2) reference_caps.pop(0) # LEGEND Transmission handles, labels = [], [] for s in (10, 5): handles.append(plt.Line2D([0], [0], color=line_colors['cur'], linewidth=s * 1e3 / linewidth_factor)) labels.append("/") for s in (10, 5): handles.append(plt.Line2D([0], [0], color=line_colors['exp'], linewidth=s * 1e3 / linewidth_factor)) labels.append("{} GW".format(s)) fig.artists.append(fig.legend(handles, labels, loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(1., .0), frameon=False, ncol=2, columnspacing=0.5, title='Transmission Exist./Exp.')) # legend generation colors colors = carrier_colors[n.generators.carrier.unique()] if carrier_names is not None: colors = colors.rename(carrier_names) fig.artists.append(fig.legend(*handles_labels_for(colors), loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), frameon=False, title='Generation carrier')) # legend storage colors colors = carrier_colors[n.storage_units.carrier.unique()] if carrier_names is not None: colors = colors.rename(carrier_names) fig.artists.append(fig.legend(*handles_labels_for(colors), loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.55), frameon=False, title='Storage carrier')) fig.canvas.draw() fig.tight_layout() return fig, (ax, ax2)
[docs]def annotate_bus_names( n, ax=None, shift=-0.012, size=12, adjust_str=None, color='darkslategray', **kwargs): """ Annotate names of buses plot. Parameters ---------- n : pypsa.Network ax : matplotlib axis shift : float/tuple Shift of the text with respect to the x and y bus coordinate. The default is -0.012. size : float, optional Text size. The default is 12. color : string, optional Text color. The default is 'k'. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments going to ax.text() function. For example: - transform=ccrs.PlateCarree() - bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='None') """ kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 8) if kwargs.get('bbox') == 'fancy': kwargs['bbox'] = dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='None', boxstyle='circle') if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() locs = n.buses[['x', 'y']].add(shift, axis=1) for index in n.buses.index: x, y = locs.loc[index] string = index if adjust_str is None else adjust_str(index) text = ax.text( x, y, string, size=size, color=color, ha="center", va="center", **kwargs) return text
[docs]def annotate_branch_names(n, ax, shift=-0.012, size=12, color='k', prefix=True, adjust_str=None, **kwargs): def replace_branche_names(s): return s.replace('Line', 'AC ').replace('Link', 'DC ')\ .replace('component', 'Line Type').replace('branch_i', '')\ .replace(r'branch\_i', '') kwargs.setdefault('zorder', 8) if kwargs.get('bbox') == 'fancy': kwargs['bbox'] = dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='None', boxstyle='circle') if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() branches = n.branches() branches = branches.assign(**{'loc0x':, 'loc0y':, 'loc1x':, 'loc1y':}) for index in branches.index: loc0x, loc1x, loc0y, loc1y = \ branches.loc[index, ['loc0x', 'loc1x', 'loc0y', 'loc1y']] if prefix: if adjust_str is None: index = replace_branche_names(' '.join(index)) else: index = adjust_str(index) else: index = index[1] ax.text( (loc0x + loc1x) / 2 + shift, (loc0y + loc1y) / 2 + shift, index, size=size, color=color, ha="center", va="center", **kwargs)
[docs]def injection_plot_kwargs(p): ''' Generate keyword arguments for plotting the given injection with n.plot() Returns kwargs which can be used in the n.plot function Parameters ---------- p : pd.Series/xr.DataArray Injection pattern Returns ------- kwargs A dictionary with keyword arguments for bus_sizes and bus_colors. Example -------- >>> p = ntl.network_injection(n, n.snapshots[0]) >>> n.plot(**injection_plot_kwargs(p)) ''' if isinstance(p, xr.DataArray): p = p.to_series() return dict(bus_colors=pos_neg_buscolors(p), bus_sizes=p.abs())
[docs]def pos_neg_buscolors(p): """ Return bus colors for positive injection (blue) and negative injection (red) for a give injection pattern 'p'. """ if isinstance(p, xr.DataArray): p = p.to_series() return pd.Series('indianred', p.index).where(p < 0, 'steelblue')
[docs]def fact_sheet(n, fn_out=None): """ Create a fact sheet which summarizes the network. Parameters ---------- n : pypsa.Network Optimized network Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame Summary of the network. """ efactor = 1e6 # give power in TWh hfactor = n.snapshot_weightings[0] # total energy in elapsed hours carriers = n.generators.carrier d = pypsa.descriptors.Dict() d['Unit'] = f'10^{int(np.log10(efactor * 1e6))} Wh' d['Capacity [unit * 10^3]'] = n.generators.groupby('carrier').p_nom_opt.sum( ) .append(n.storage_units.groupby('carrier').p_nom_opt.sum()) / efactor * 1e3 d['Total Production'] = n.generators_t.p.sum().sum() / efactor * hfactor d['Production per Carrier'] = n.generators_t.p.sum()\ .groupby(n.generators.carrier).sum()\ / efactor * hfactor d['Rel. Production per Carrier'] = d['Production per Carrier'] /\ d['Production per Carrier'].sum() d['Curtailment per Carrier'] = ( n.generators_t.p_max_pu * n.generators.p_nom_opt - n.generators_t.p).dropna(axis=1).sum().groupby(carriers).sum()\ / efactor * hfactor d['Rel. Curtailment per Carrier'] = (d['Curtailment per Carrier'] / d['Production per Carrier']).dropna() d['Total Curtailment'] = d['Curtailment per Carrier'].sum() d['Rel. Curtailement'] = d['Total Curtailment'] / d['Total Production'] # storages d['Effective Sus Inflow'] = (n.storage_units_t.inflow.sum().sum() - n.storage_units_t.spill.sum().sum())\ / efactor * hfactor d['Sus Total Charging'] = - n.storage_units_t.p.clip(upper=0).sum().sum() \ / efactor * hfactor d['Sus Total Discharging'] = n.storage_units_t.p.clip( lower=0).sum().sum() / efactor * hfactor for k, i in d.items(): i = i.to_dict() if isinstance(i, pd.Series) else i d[k] = i df = pd.Series(d).apply(pd.Series).rename(columns={0: ''}).stack() return df