Source code for netallocation.plot_helpers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Mar 29 09:52:39 2019

@author: fabian

import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Ellipse
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerPatch
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
import yaml

filename = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('package_data', 'color_config.yaml')
with open(filename) as f:
    config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

# plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 11.0

# nice_names = {'offwind-ac': 'Offshore', 'offwind-dc': 'Offshore',
#               'onwind': 'Onshore',
#               'hydro': 'Hydro',
#               'ror': 'Run-of-River', 'solar': 'Solar',
#               'PHS': 'Pumped Hydro', 'H2': 'Hydrogen Storage',
#               'battery': 'Battery',
#               'OCGT': 'OCGT'}

# light_gray = ".8"
# style_dict = {"axes.facecolor": "white",
#               "axes.edgecolor": light_gray,
#               "grid.color": light_gray,

#               "axes.spines.left": True,
#               "axes.spines.bottom": True,
#               "axes.spines.right": True,
#               "": True,
#               "xtick.bottom": False,
#               "ytick.left": False}

# plt.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = plt.rcParams['grid.color']
# plt.rcParams.update(style_dict)

fuel_colors = pd.Series(config['fuel_to_color'])

[docs]def make_legend_circles_for(sizes, scale=1.0, **kw): from matplotlib.patches import Circle return [Circle((0, 0), radius=(s / scale)**0.5, **kw) for s in sizes]
[docs]def handles_labels_for(color_series, kind='circle', kw_list=None, **kw): color_series = pd.Series(color_series) if isinstance(color_series, dict) \ else color_series colors = color_series.values labels = color_series.index.tolist() if kw_list is None: kw_list = [{}] * len(colors) if kind == 'circle': handles = [Line2D([], [], c=c, marker='.', linestyle='None', markersize=20, **k, **kw) for c, k in zip(colors, kw_list)] # handles = [Circle((0, 0), color=c, **k, **kw) # for c, k in zip(colors, kw_list)] elif kind == 'line': handles = [Line2D((0, 1), (0.5, 0.5), color=c, **k, **kw) for c, k in zip(colors, kw_list)] return handles, labels
[docs]def make_handler_map_to_scale_circles_as_in(ax, dont_resize_actively=False): fig = ax.get_figure() def axes2pt(): return np.diff(ax.transData.transform([(0, 0), (1, 1)]), axis=0)[0] * \ (72. / fig.dpi) ellipses = [] if not dont_resize_actively: def update_width_height(event): dist = axes2pt() for e, radius in ellipses: e.width, e.height = 2. * radius * dist fig.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', update_width_height) ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', update_width_height) ax.callbacks.connect('ylim_changed', update_width_height) def legend_circle_handler(legend, orig_handle, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize): w, h = 2. * orig_handle.get_radius() * axes2pt() e = Ellipse(xy=(0.5 * width - 0.5 * xdescent, 0.5 * height - 0.5 * ydescent), width=w, height=w) ellipses.append((e, orig_handle.get_radius())) return e return {Circle: HandlerPatch(patch_func=legend_circle_handler)}
[docs]def load_regions(n, onshore=True): prepend = 'regions_onshore_' if onshore else 'regions_offshore_' name = n if isinstance(n, str) else return gpd.read_file('models/' + prepend + '_'.join(name.split('_')[:3]) + '.geojson').set_index('name')
[docs]def adjust_breaking_axis(ax, ax2, break_y_axis_at=None): if break_y_axis_at is not None: ax.set_ylim(bottom=break_y_axis_at) ax2.set_ylim(top=break_y_axis_at) d = .02 # how big to make the diagonal lines in axes coordinates # arguments to pass to plot, just so we don't keep repeating them kwargs = dict(transform=ax.transAxes, color='black', clip_on=False, linewidth=1.) ax.plot((-d, +d), (-d, +d), **kwargs, zorder=3) # top-left diagonal ax.plot((1 - d, 1 + d), (-d, +d), **kwargs, zorder=3) # top-right diagonal kwargs.update(transform=ax2.transAxes) # switch to the bottom axes ax2.plot((-d, +d), (1 - d, 1 + d), **kwargs) # bottom-left diagonal ax2.plot((1 - d, 1 + d), (1 - d, 1 + d), **kwargs) # bottom-right diagonal ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax2.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax2.set_title(None)
[docs]def lighten_color(color, amount=0.5): """ Lightens the given color by multiplying (1-luminosity) by the given amount. Input can be matplotlib color string, hex string, or RGB tuple. Examples: >> lighten_color('g', 0.3) >> lighten_color('#F034A3', 0.6) >> lighten_color((.3,.55,.1), 0.5) copied from """ import matplotlib.colors as mc import colorsys try: c = mc.cnames[color] except BaseException: c = color c = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*mc.to_rgb(c)) return colorsys.hls_to_rgb(c[0], 1 - amount * (1 - c[1]), c[2])